Monday, August 1, 2011

Transcribed August letter

August 29, 1994

Dear Eric and Judith,

We certainly do remember you and our delightful breakfast with you at “The Nassau House” last March. How thoughtful of you to write and close so many excellent brochures, particularly the maps of Gelderland which will be of special value in selecting the best routes.

Since our meeting in Key West, we have been proceeding with our planning for our bicycle tour, and all appears to be ready for our departure on September 19. There are 8 couples, and when you see the enclosed itinerary you’ll understand how much detail is involved in organizing 16 people.

Thanks, also, for inquiring about the ferry service to the Hook of Holland. As we also discovered, only cargo ferries operate out of Great Yarmouth, so I had to revise the English segment of the tour so as to ferry out of Harwich.

            In developing the itinerary for Holland, I received a lot of help from a friend who is married to a Dutch woman and spends several months a year at his house in Luttenberg, which is near Ommen. He arranged out hotel accommodations and suggested the sequence of our tour. A highlight will be an evening at the Het Loo Palace. The leaflet you sent will be a helpful reference.

            It would be wonderful to see you both again, and we’d like to propose that we meet at the Hook of Holland either for breakfast the morning of Wednesday, September 28, or for dinner the evening of Sunday, October 2. Meeting us for breakfast would entail your having to drive to the Hook for about 7:00 a.m., and we could spend about an hour and a half together. On the other hand, meeting for dinner would enable us to have a more leisurely visit. I notice that Raamsdonksveer is not too far from the Hook of Holland.

            Please let us know which of these dates would be best for you. If you decide to come for breakfast, on September 28, please meet us at the Stua Sealimb dock around 7:00 a.m.; if you prefer dinner on October 2, I’ll telephone you when we get to Holland to arrange the time for our meeting.

            Meeting you was the highlight of our stay at the Nassau House, which was not a good representative of bed & breakfast inns in America. However, it gave us an opportunity to became acquainted and discover mutual interests in bicycling.

            I was interested in seeing the literature about your Bike Bar, and we hope your business is doing well with this product. We have a friend in the Boston area who manufactures a bike bar under the name of “Allen.” Incidentally, he’s married to a Dutch woman and spends time in Holland.

            You will have no difficulty identifying our group. Just look for 16 people & 16 bicycles. I’m sure we’ll be able to identify you.

            We send our best wishes, many thanks again for your nice letter and information, and hope that we’ll see you soon.

John & Kay

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